Annapolis Area Intergroup
providing over 50 years of service
Annapolis Area Intergroup, Inc. is a body of people whose purpose is to provide services to those individuals or groups of individuals in the greater Annapolis area who seek the means of arresting the disease of alcoholism through the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous.
The name of this organization shall be the Annapolis Area Intergroup, Inc. (AAIG) which is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, non-stock corporation organized under the laws of the State of Maryland for the purpose set forth in the above Preamble and the Articles of Incorporation.
ARTICLE TWO – Objectives
The objectives of AAIG are to serve Annapolis and the surrounding areas by providing a means for suffering alcoholics to contact Alcoholics Anonymous; to take the program of Alcoholics Anonymous to various institutions; to acquaint the public with both the services of Alcoholics Anonymous and the way to contact the fellowship; to provide activities from time to time for the members of Alcoholics Anonymous; and to promote unity and cooperation among Alcoholics Anonymous groups in the area.
The AAIG is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational, and scientific purposes, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code. Upon the dissolution of the organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose. Any such assets not disposed of shall be disposed of by a court of competent jurisdiction in the county in which the principal office of the organization is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.
ARTICLE FOUR – Principles
AAIG shall conduct its activities in accordance with the principles of the Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, and Twelve Concepts of Service of Alcoholics Anonymous.
ARTICLE FIVE- Intergroup Council
AAIG will be directed by an Intergroup Council consisting of assembled Intergroup Representatives, one from each group that wishes to participate. Any A.A. member is welcome to attend Intergroup Council meetings as observers, but only Intergroup Representatives or, in their absence, their alternates, may make motions, take part in the discussion, or vote. The Council shall have the responsibility for making all decisions affecting the Intergroup. In addition, the Council shall have the sole authority to approve capital expenditures in excess of five hundred dollars ($500.00), and must approve all leases and contracts.
ARTICLE SIX – Purposes of the Intergroup Council
The purposes of the Intergroup Council are to:
Section 1. Provide telephone service for alcoholics who need help;
Section 2. Provide an office at which the business of the Intergroup is conducted;
Section 3. Maintain and publish a meeting directory (online and printed);
Section 4. Provide local public and professional relations activities, such as A.A. speakers, and assist the press and other public media (online and printed) in the development of articles and general publicity of A.A.;
Section 5. Cooperate with other community agencies that deal with the alcoholic;
Section 6. Obtain the services of local AA members to assist alcoholics who require aid;
Section 7. Take meetings to various public institutions at which alcoholics are resident;
Section 8. Maintain listing of Intergroup Representatives and alternates;
Section 9. Provide activities for members of Alcoholics Anonymous, their families, and friends;
Section 10. Publish a monthly bulletin;
Section 11. Distribute General Service Conference approved literature to individuals, groups, and institutions;
Section 12. Treasurer and/or Finance Committee will regularly provide a current and accurate financial record of collections and disbursements for Intergroup Council oversight;
Section 13. Treasurer and/or Finance Committee will present an annual operating Budget for adoption at the February Intergroup Council meeting;
Section 14. Any deviation from these purposes must be approved by a vote of two - thirds (2/3) of the Intergroup Council.
ARTICLE SEVEN – Intergroup Representatives
The length of time in office and length of sobriety of the Intergroup Representatives is properly decided by the A.A. group's conscience, but it is suggested that a minimum of one (1) year of continuous sobriety and a term of at least one (1) year would be desirable. A group may designate an alternate to act in the absence of the Intergroup Representative.
ARTICLE EIGHT – Intergroup Council Meetings
Intergroup Council meetings shall be held on the 3rd Tuesday of a month to conduct the business of the Corporation.
The Intergroup Council will conduct at least nine (9) meetings per calendar year. Notice of time and place of meetings shall be published in the monthly bulletin and on the AAIG website.
ARTICLE NINE – Order of Business
At an Intergroup Council meeting, business shall be generally conducted in the following order **:
Reading the Tradition of the month.
Attendance & Approval of minutes of the preceding Intergroup meeting with correction and amendment, if necessary.
Officer Reports.
Committee Reports.
Unfinished Business.
New Business.
**AAIG Budget is presented for adoption in February; Nominations are accepted in October and November; Elections are held in December.
ARTICLE TEN– Conduct of Meeting
The meeting shall be conducted generally following Robert's Rules of Order. Any action taken by the Intergroup Council shall be on a motion made by an Intergroup Representative or Alternate, seconded, and debated. Decisions are then made by a majority vote of Intergroup Representatives and/or their Alternates, if at least ten (10) are present, and recorded with the Secretary.
After a deciding vote has been taken on a motion, an interval of three (3) months shall elapse before such motion can be resubmitted to the Intergroup Council for discussion unless there is an emergency demanding immediate action. An emergency shall be determined by a vote of two thirds (2/3) of group representatives present.
ARTICLE ELEVEN – Officers of the Intergroup Council
Section 1. The elected Officers of the Intergroup Council shall be elected annually, and include a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Treasurer, and Secretary. It is suggested that each rotating Officer participate in an advisory role for two months following the conclusion of their term. In matters of business the Officers of the Intergroup Council may not vote unless they are representatives of a group and are recorded with the Secretary.
Section 2. The Officers shall not hold office in any recovery club.
Section 3. In the event of a vacancy in the office of Vice Chairperson, Treasurer, or Secretary, the Chairperson shall appoint a replacement. This appointment is contingent upon certification by a majority vote of the Intergroup Representatives at the next Intergroup Council Meeting. If this appointment is not certified, the Intergroup Council would subsequently hold an election for the vacancy.
Section 4. In the event of a vacancy in the office of Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson shall become Chairperson for the balance of the term.
Section 5. If both the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson positions are vacated, there would be an immediate election during the following Intergroup Council meeting.
Section 6. Any elected or appointed Officer may be removed for just cause by a vote of two-thirds of the members present and eligible to vote.
The election shall be held at the December Intergroup Council meeting by confidential ballot. Nominations from the floor will be received during the October and November regularly scheduled Intergroup Council meetings. All nominees must attend at least one of these two meetings to verify their eligibility and willingness to serve.
No additional nominees shall be accepted for an Intergroup office after adjournment of the regularly scheduled November Intergroup Council meeting.
To be eligible to vote in Intergroup Council Elections, an Intergroup Representative or alternate must be from a group that has had a Representative in attendance at a meeting and recorded with the Secretary during the calendar year of the election.
No person shall be eligible for nomination to an office who has served in that office for the two (2) preceding, consecutive terms.
The electoral process for election of Officers for each office shall be:
Ballot #1: In the event of three or more candidates for office, a 2/3 majority of the total vote is needed for election. If a 2/3 vote is not recorded, only the top two candidates by vote shall remain for Ballot #2.
Ballot #2: The candidate receiving a simple majority of the votes cast shall be elected to office.
Special Elections
Special elections to fill Officer vacancies shall be held when necessary. At least thirty (30) days’ advance notice of said Special Election shall be given to all Intergroup Representatives via the monthly bulletin.
ARTICLE THIRTEEN – Executive Committee
Section 1. The Executive Committee consists of the elected officers of the Corporation and the chairperson of each standing committee. The Chairperson shall preside over the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall be held on the 1st Tuesday of a month. There shall be at least nine (9) meetings per calendar year. The term of office of this committee shall coincide with that of the Chairperson of the Intergroup Council.
Section 2. Except as specifically provided in these Bylaws, the Executive Committee shall make no decisions reserved to the Council.
Section 3. Regular Executive Committee meetings shall be on the first (1st) Tuesday of a month. There shall be at least nine (9) meetings per calendar year. Notice of time and place of meetings shall be published in the monthly bulletin and on the AAIG website. The Chairperson may convene additional meetings if necessary.
The Chairperson shall have a minimum of four (4) years of continuous sobriety at the time of nomination. The Chairperson is the executive officer of the AAIG and shall preside over all Intergroup Council and Executive Committee meetings.
The Chairperson shall appoint Committee Chairs to all Standing Committees and Ad Hoc Committees as needed.
The Chairperson shall oversee all AAIG Committees which serve at the pleasure of the Chairperson.
ARTICLE FIFTEEN – Vice Chairperson
The Vice Chairperson shall substitute for the Chairperson if the Chairperson is absent or unavailable. The Vice Chairperson shall have four (4) years of continuous sobriety at the time of nomination. If the office of Chairperson is vacated, the Vice Chairperson shall become Chairperson for the balance of the term.
The Vice Chairperson serves as the chair of the Facilities Committee which is responsible for the day-today operations of the Intergroup office.
The Secretary shall have a minimum of (2) years of continuous sobriety at the time of nomination.
The Secretary shall take roll call at all Intergroup meetings and maintain a record of Intergroup representation. The Secretary shall record and distribute minutes of the Executive Committee and Council meetings and shall submit them at the next corresponding meeting for approval or amendment.
Should the Secretary be absent from the monthly meeting, the Chairperson may appoint a Secretary pro tem for that particular meeting.
The Treasurer shall have a minimum of four (4) years of continuous sobriety at the time of nomination. The Treasurer shall have a knowledge of bookkeeping or accounting practices, including taxes, be familiar with computer programs utilized by AAIG.
The Treasurer shall be responsible for the proper handling of all AAIG funds, securities, timely deposits, disbursements and account reconciliations. The Treasurer is also responsible for preparing and providing accurate income & expense statements, including group contributions, for the Intergroup Council and the monthly bulletin, regularly and annually. The Treasurer shall manage the relationship with the tax preparer and be responsible for timely tax filings.
The Treasurer shall work with the Finance Committee to prepare an annual operating Budget showing income and expenses for adoption at the February Intergroup Council meeting.
ARTICLE EIGHTEEN – Finance Committee
The Finance Committee will advise and make recommendations to the Executive Committee on all matters related to AAIG finances, including but not limited to proposing a Budget to the Executive Committee no later than its last meeting prior to the February Intergroup Council meeting.
AAIG shall be supported only by voluntary contributions of the members groups, by individual contributions of interested A.A. members, and by monies derived from any AAIG activities. AAIG will strive to maintain a prudent reserve of fifty percent (50%) of the annual budgeted operating expenses not including generally self-supporting expenses (Literature and Activities).
If the Budget proposal is not approved at the February Intergroup Council meeting, the AAIG will continue to function using the previous year’s Budget until a new Budget is approved.
ARTICLE TWENTY – All Other Committees
Unless otherwise specified, the chairperson of all Standing and Ad Hoc Committees shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Executive Committee. A minimum of two (2) years of continuous sobriety at the time of appointment is suggested.
ARTICLE TWENTY-ONE – Administrative Employees
AAIG shall have the authority to hire administrative employee(s) for furthering Intergroup Objectives and facilitating the Purposes of the AAIG as enumerated in these Bylaws. An administrative employee shall be selected by the Chairperson and approved by the Intergroup Council at any regular meeting. Compensation for any administrative employee shall be provided in the Budget.
ARTICLE TWENTY-TWO – Amendments to Bylaws
A written notice of the proposed amendment(s) must be published in the regular monthly bulletin in the month preceding the month in which a vote is to be taken. These Bylaws may be amended by a two thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Intergroup Representatives or alternates registered with the Secretary at any regularly scheduled Intergroup Council meeting.
These revised AAIG Bylaws approved by AAIG Council on February 21, 2023.