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What is an Intergroup?

Take a look at our handbook: AAIG Handbook_2023.pdf


An Intergroup, or Central Office as it is sometimes called, "is an A.A.® service that involves partnership among groups in a community—just as A.A. groups themselves are partnerships of individuals. A central office is established to carry out certain functions common to all the groups—functions which are best handled by a centralized office—and it is usually maintained, supervised, and supported by these groups in their general interest. It exists to aid the groups in their common purpose of carrying the A.A. message to the alcoholic who still suffers." (Reprinted from A.A. Guidelines, Central or Intergroup Offices, pamphlet MG-02 with permission of A.A. World Services, Inc).


Today the Annapolis Area Intergroup (AAIG) provides many functions that are not found in the General Service structure. For example, the Annapolis Area Intergroup offers the following services for groups in Anne Arundel County, mostly south of Interstate 695:


  • publishes a directory of meetings in that region, as well as including some meetings just outside that region in nearby Prince George's, Calvert and Queen Anne's Counties;

  • publishes a bulletin of monthly events and activities in the AAIG area, along with a list of anniversaries being celebrated each month;

  • acts as a central clearing house for General Service Conference-approved A.A. literature for the groups in the region;

  • provides social activities for the alcoholic member and their family, such as dances and picnics;

  • provides workshops for the A.A. member to expand their understanding of the history and functions of various A.A. components;

  • acts as a liaison between A.A. and local and regional organizations in affairs dealing with alcoholism, such as outreach to the medical profession, treatment facilities, and correctional facilities; and

  • staffs a telephone number available 8 am - 10 pm for the suffering alcoholic seeking help with their problem.


Who are we?​


The AAIG consists of a group of representatives from participating A.A. groups in central, western, and southern Anne Arundel County, Maryland. Together, we provide services for the A.A. groups in the region and for individuals or organizations seeking information about alcoholism and Alcoholics Anonymous. These services include: a monthly newsletter, a consolidated list of A.A. meetings in and around the region, a hotline for those seeking help or information, this website, and an inventory of A.A. literature available for purchase.


The AAIG Council meets the third Tuesday of most months online at 7 pm. Additionally, the Executive Committee meets at least nine times annually on the first Tuesday of the month at 7 pm, also online.


Detailed descriptions of each of these bodies, as well as a description of the functions of each AAIG committee can be found in the AAIG Bylaws.


How do I get involved with AAIG?


Getting involved in AAIG is a great way to provide service while contributing to creating a local AA community in the Annapolis and its surrounding areas. As of August 2022, due to decreased participation and funding, AAIG has not been able to keep many of its Standing Committees active.  Here are some simple ways to get involved!


1. Ask your Home Group if you can represent them as an IGR (Intergroup Representative).  If you become an IGR, please let AAIG know so that we can make sure to include you on meeting reminders and meeting minutes.

2. Join a Committee.

3. Chair a Committee.

4. Join an AAIG meeting as a visitor and listen in.

5.  Attend AAIG events!

6.  Run for an AAIG Executive Office (Chair, Vice-chair, Treasurer, Secretary) at the end of the year.

For more information or for questions about AAIG, please contact the Outreach Committee.







Copyright © 2022 Annapolis Area Intergroup, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Alcoholics Anonymous ® is a registered trademark of Alcoholics Anonymous World Service, Inc.

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